I’m a business owner and with very little extra time on my hands, it takes a pretty incredible experience for me to find the time to write a review. It was easy to find the time to write a review for my trainer, Kevin Russell. Kevin gets results, I’m proof of that, having lost 25 pounds and counting, over the past 3 months. Never have I had the results I have experienced with Kevin. He’s the fat whisperer.

In all seriousness, I believe one of the reasons why Kevin has been so successful at helping me to lose weight is because of the science of it all that he brings to the table. The first several weeks I worked out with Kevin I seemingly made no progress, meaning no weight loss. I had insisted all along that I did not want to do much weights related training because I did not want to “bulk up”. Kevin told me one day, in a nice professional way, that he didn’t care what I thought about weights and that I was going to start doing them. Kevin also spent time developing a calorie and activity plan, specifically designed to meet my weight loss goals and deadlines I had established. He also helped by providing detailed lists of what I should and shouldn’t eat and how much I could eat.

Kevin has also closely monitored my diet, activities and weight loss, often tweaking things in each of these areas to help ensure that I am maintaining consistent and continue weight loss. I don’t want to settle for anything less than the goals I have established for myself and I appreciate that Kevin feels the same way and pushes me towards those goals at all times.

Needless to say, I have experienced steady and significant weight loss over the past few months, because of Kevin. I would highly recommend Kevin to anyone looking for guidance and support in maintaining a healthy life style and also for anyone who wants to get back in shape, like I did. I started out my training sessions a bit nervous having only been running for exercise. Kevin started out with some lower intensity workouts and before I even realized it, he had turned the workouts into high intensity sessions - in other words, Kevin has a talent for making workouts bearable, challenging and sometimes even fun.
— Kirsten Curry | Owner, Leading Retirement Services
I worked with Kevin for about 6 months after both my young children were in school full time. Being a new mother really changed my lifestyle schedule. I used to snowboard, surf, rock climb and do many outdoor activities multiple times a day. Though I was active with my kids it was not to the intensity I was used to, my body was sluggish and honestly, a few pounds too heavy to be fast.

Kevin started me off in the gym doing everything from weights to ply-metrics, to balancing and other exercises I didn’t even know existed! When weather allowed, he took me outside for hill work and quick soccer moves on the field to create quick reaction time along with so many other exercises, He made it fun! Though I hated the gym, I enjoyed working with someone who understood my goals and helped me attain them.

We discussed eating habits and healthy goals that were realistic for a mother of two. I currently am snowboarding with my kids every weekend in the winter, we surf every summer for a month, and I am running between 5-10 miles every week and continuing to do core exercises that Kevin taught me.

Kevin helped set me up for success and I am stronger, leaner, and more confident because of him. I am also in school again full time, and realize with Kevin’s help that I can fit in 30 minutes every other day or even 10 (on super busy days) and it all helps, you just need to make it count! 2 years later and I’m still going strong.
— Maria Huang | Principle Design Consultant, Dark Horse Design Lab
I am grateful to trainer Kevin Russell for restoring my body (knees and lower back in particular) to health and vigor so that I can once again enjoy hiking the northwest trails without pain or injury. Kevin is extremely attentive and keenly aware of my body’s strengths and weaknesses, where I need aligning, how much I need to be pushed, encouraged, or coached. He has a lot of tricks in his bag and able to please me with the exercises chosen for my particular workout, which I plan to keep as part of my lifestyle from now on. Thank you, Kevin. You have improved my life in a very important way. I am eternally grateful.
— -Ellen Marx | 70 year-old Hiker
I have been training with Kevin for more than four months now and it has had a very positive effect on my fitness and overall health. At the beginning, the positive part was simply training three times a week. By having a set schedule with Kevin, I was accountable to stay with the schedule. Also, the training was very diverse and incorporated overall body fitness and strengthening.

Then, I noticed that I started changing my diet and other lifestyle habits. The result is that I have lost 20 pounds in the past two months. I have lost this weight just by exorcising regularly and eating wholesome, nutritious food. I am 55 and thanks to Kevin, I feel fit and healthy for the first time in a long while, and continuing to improve in those areas!
— Reza Ghobadian | Founder, RGH Bookkeeping
Starting in January, 2014, I signed up with Kevin Russell. We meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and I am thrilled with our progress.

Kevin has a very pleasant way and is always prepared inventing exercises to keep my mind and body confused, producing great results, while keeping it fun. I am a big believer in his approach.
— Jim Vanderslice | Stay-at-home Dad
Kevin is the best! I am stronger and leaner than I have ever been in my life. With Kevin’s training, my weight dropped from 175 to 135, and my dress size from 12 to 6. As a 38-year-old woman, I now weigh less than I ever have since my sophomore year of high school.

Kevin is super fun to work with, accommodating to my scheduling difficulties, and extremely respectful of everyone’s unique physical challenges. I have had some prior back injuries, and Kevin was innovative in his approach to work around these as I became stronger. Kevin also mindfully provides holistic care: he is very knowledgeable about diet and cooking (he can help with healthful eating that actually tastes good), and connected me to a great physical therapist.

There aren’t that many people who you look forward to seeing at 6 am, but Kevin is one for sure. I appreciate his humor; his deep knowledge base of music, movies, art, sports, health science, and style; and his encouragement that I could reach my fitness goals. I enjoy training with him, and I love the results that I see and feel. I heartily encourage everyone to work with Kevin!
— Rachel Turow | Staff Psychologist, Seattle University